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Growth course

Growth course


Growth course

Where are the potential growth points for fintech in 2023?

Evgeny Tsarev:
The departure of Cisco and the restrictions of Huawei leave few chances for the installation of productive and, most importantly, proven solutions for large companies, including banks. The development of cluster technologies in terms of network equipment is still very far behind (and works only in advertising brochures), so it is obvious that this area should be invested in first.

Another area that is sure to grow in volume next year is operating systems and virtualization tools. It already has individual successes, but the volumes for replacement are huge, which means that there will be a lot of requirements. Expanding functionality and optimizing performance are the two main tasks for both RED OS and Astra Linux.

A source: Banking Review

The message A course for growth appeared first on Evgeny Tsarev.

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