Home Gaming One Piece Odyssey Producer Reveals What’s Coming In Demo Ahead Of The Game’s Release

One Piece Odyssey Producer Reveals What’s Coming In Demo Ahead Of The Game’s Release

One Piece Odyssey Producer Reveals What’s Coming In Demo Ahead Of The Game’s Release


Monday, January 9, 2023, 6:08:24 p.m. Indochina time

developer Namco Stairs reveal what comes with demonstration of One Piece Odyssey before the official release of the game by One Piece Odyssey It was first shown in March. as part of the franchise’s 25th anniversary celebration

Recently, the producer of One Piece Odyssey at Katsuaki Suzuki talked about the content players will be able to explore in demonstration which is coming on January 10th. He said that there are many aspects of the base game included in demonstration to be launched by demonstration will focus on the first two hours of One Piece Odyssey This is a priority for developers to give players who are trying out. demonstration get an idea of ​​the plot of the game, which Suzuki It has been suggested that this intro is suitable for anyone who may “Tired easily” from the rhythm of the game or its elements RPG various

although demonstration Mostly unchanged from the main game But the player will be able to access the island. Waford and the crew of Luffy Only available at the start of the game while other places of One Piece Odyssey already announced, for example Alabasta and Water Seven will be available in the main game. Suzuki has hinted that some parts of the island Waford will be unlocked with a mechanism RPG of the game

Previously, it was confirmed that demonstration of One Piece Odyssey saves information that will be used only when the player purchases the game; and Suzuki was further told that the players One Piece Odyssey Trial demonstration Before being sold, you will receive the item. golden jelly at “Useful for adventure” This could mean that this item could increase the stats of the engulfed character.

One Piece Odyssey It will be released on January 13, 2023 for PC, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S


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