Home SECURITY The Stable Diffusion neural network allowed artists to travel in time

The Stable Diffusion neural network allowed artists to travel in time

The Stable Diffusion neural network allowed artists to travel in time


The Stable Diffusion neural network allowed artists to travel in time

The time machine turned out not to be what we imagined it to be.

Project ” Stelfie ” is a fictional 41-year-old man from Italy who shares photos of his time travels in Twitter * and Instagram **. In the photo, Stelfi hugs Vincent van Gogh, shaves Salvador Dali and sits next to Albert Einstein, etc.

Sample photos of Stelfie from the project website

The author of the project also told about the creative process of creating Stelfie, noting that it was “many hours of work” with the Stable Diffusion image generation algorithm and manual image editing in Photoshop.

It takes one to three hours to get a “draft” version of an image, and 15 hours to complete it. Sometimes the scene has to be sketched on paper for better visualization. The author of the work noted that it is impossible to immediately get a finished scene from text prompts.

The original generated scenes are then repainted in detail to achieve hyper-realism, paying special attention to the face, hair and beard, as they express the realism of the drawing. The proportions and focus of the camera are adjusted in Photoshop.

Stelfi’s model is based on several photographs of a real person in different poses and with different facial expressions, and then finalized in the DreamBooth program. Author project wants to prove that the combination of good artist skills with AI technology can open a new branch of art evolution.

Previously, researchers used the Stable Diffusion neural network to creating photos of a fictitious user social networks. Over the past 12 years, John has been posting photos of himself working, relaxing and spending his weekends.

*The social network is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

**Meta and its products (Instagram and Facebook) are recognized as extremist organizations; their activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.


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