Home Tech The total circulation of all games in the Metal Gear series is approaching 60 million copies

The total circulation of all games in the Metal Gear series is approaching 60 million copies

The total circulation of all games in the Metal Gear series is approaching 60 million copies


The total circulation of all games in the Metal Gear series is approaching 60 million copies

From the financial report of the Japanese publishing house Konami, the current sales figures for the company’s most popular franchises became known.

What is known

As of the end of Q4 Fiscal Year 2022, sales of all games in the iconic Metal Gear series reached 59.5 million copies!

The combined circulation of all games in the Metal Gear series is approaching 60 million copies-2

Recall that the first Metal Gear game was released in 1987, and the release of the last game in the series with the subtitle Survive in 2018 turned out to be a complete failure.

Rumor has it that in 2023 Konami will announce a number of new projects under the Metal Gear Solid brand. It is believed that among them will be a remake of one of the parts of MGS.

By the way, the producer of Metal Gear Solid recently hintedthat “2023 will be the year of many long-awaited announcements.”

Source: Metal Gear Informer


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