Home SECURITY AI-based chatbots could come in handy during the next pandemic to rapidly develop a vaccine

AI-based chatbots could come in handy during the next pandemic to rapidly develop a vaccine

AI-based chatbots could come in handy during the next pandemic to rapidly develop a vaccine


AI-based chatbots could come in handy during the next pandemic to rapidly develop a vaccine

Large language models significantly reduce the entry threshold into the biotechnological field.

The field of biotechnology requires sophisticated equipment and highly qualified specialists, which greatly limits the possibilities for its use by ordinary people. However, a recent study showed that chatbots based on large language models (LLM) can significantly democratize access to this kind of technology even for a person who is not immersed in the topic.

Modern LLMs are trained on huge amounts of texts from the Internet and can answer questions or complete tasks in a natural language understandable to a person. The researchers tested how well LLMs can perform various biotechnology tasks such as DNA design, protein synthesis, or genome analysis.

It turned out that LLMs demonstrate high accuracy and speed in solving these problems, often surpassing even human experts. Moreover, LLMs can generate new ideas and concepts that can be useful for the development of biotechnology. For example, LLMs can suggest new ways to synthesize DNA, or even give advice on how to develop a vaccine for a particular virus.

IN his article they give some examples of how LLMs can help solve various problems in the field of biotechnology, for example:

  • in the development of new drugs and vaccines by analyzing the structure and function of proteins, DNA and RNA;
  • in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, determining genetic mutations and other abnormalities;
  • in environmental protection, predicting the impact of biotechnology on ecosystems and biodiversity.

However, large language models can also be used to harm if you can get around the restrictions set by the developers of neural networks. For example, with the help of AI, you can, if not fully develop, then definitely get some information and advice on the development of, for example, biological weapons. In this regard, researchers are calling on users to use LLM responsibly, and developers to implement appropriate measures to prevent the abuse of AI for access to biotechnology.

As a result, we can say that LLM is a powerful tool for the development of science and medicine, which can bring many benefits to humanity. But only if it is used in accordance with high ethical standards and moral values.


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