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How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp

How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp


We tell you how you can become a real modern spy on WhatsApp.

How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp
WhatsApp offers more and more practical and curious features every day

WhatsApp allows you some really wacky things, like send blank messages. And it’s very simple… if you know how to do it, of course. You can also send messages in code or with different encryptions, so that only you and the interested party (who must also know how to decode the messages) will know. As knowledge is power, we are going to explain to you how to send coded or secret messages on whatsappso that you feel like a secret agent of the 21st century.

The first thing we have to do, obviously, is download WhatsAppalthough you probably already have it installed on your mobile, tablet or PC. And a little warning: this tutorial for sending encrypted messages has nothing to do with hack whatsapp: is about safe and very simple methods They do not carry any risk.

How to send encrypted messages on WhatsApp with Planet Calc

To send coded messages on WhatsApp you will have to help yourself with an ideal website for this type of coded message: calculation of the planeta tool that not only helps science students but also you, who are looking forward to send encrypted messages to your friends.

In Planet Calc you will find different types of encryption with which to play with WhatsApp. Let’s look at some of them in more detail. For all the examples, we are going to use the wildcard phrase “We meet at eleven at the usual bar”, something that you could undoubtedly secretly send someone.

How to use A1Z26 encryption

A1Z26 It’s one of the simpler encryption systems to use, and it is that you will only have to change each letter by its position in the alphabet. If A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so on until reaching Z, which is equal to 26.

How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp

In addition, Planet Calc gives you the option in this case of place the encrypted message and decrypt itso that your friend does not have to do it manually. Unfortunately, this solution is not always present, as in the case that we present below.

How to use the Caesar Cipher

Now, we raised the difficulty a bit more with the caesar cipher. This encryption uses rotating language through the ROTN key, where ROT means ‘Rotate’ and ‘N’ means the number of times it has to be done to encrypt and decrypt the message. If this has confused you, with an example you will see it better.

ROT1 will change each ‘A’ in the sentence to a ‘B’, because what we have done is move forward 1 letter in the alphabet. ROT2 will advance two positions, so an ‘A’ will become a ‘C’. ROT3 will transform it into ‘D’ and so on. So, the phrase ‘We meet at eleven in the usual bar’ would look like this, depending on whether we choose ROT1, ROT2, ROT3…

How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp

How to use the Vigenère cipher

The Vigenére cipher is based on the previous one, but it is much harder to figure outsince a table is taken into account to encode the different letters of the message. In short: each letter can become a random one following different ROTNs. For example, the word LEMON follows the sequence ROT11-ROT4-ROT12-ROT14-ROT13.

How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp

How to send encrypted messages on WhatsApp with Cipher Decoder

How to send encrypted or secret messages on WhatsApp

If you can use Planet Calc on the web, on Android we also find a very useful app to send encrypted messages on WhatsApp. His name is encryption decoder and in it you will have what you need: a box in which to place the message to be encoded, select the encryption type you want and the result of the encryption. Later, you will be able to save the encryption and share it with third-party applications, among which is, obviously, WhatsApp. This application is very versatile, since it has many different types of encryption: the already mentioned César and de Vignère, and others such as ASCIII, Hexadecimal, Atbash or Morse.

Download Cipher Decoder on Google Play

Of course, this free android app It will also allow us to decipher the codes that are sent to us: we will only have to choose the ‘Translate’ option instead of ‘Create’.

How to create a secret chat on WhatsApp

To go a little further and have even more privacy on whatsappYou will be able to start a conversation with encrypted messages and, in addition, they can self-destruct over time. This function is available for each message you send, although you can also set it so that by default, in a specific chat room, all messages that are sent disappear without a trace. More hermetic, impossible.

To adjust a chat so that all the photos and videos we send disappear, you will have to press on the contact’s name and scroll down the screen until you see the option ‘Temporary messages’ which, by default, will appear disabled. If you press it, you can put a time limit on viewing of said images or videos. from 24 hours to 90 days. If you choose ‘Try a default message duration’, all messages sent in new chats you create will have the duration you want.

secret chat on whatsapp

A screenshot showing how to create a secret chat on WhatsApp

If we want to deactivate this option and make the messages continue to remain forever in the chat rooms, we will only have to follow the same route as before and choose ‘Disabled’. this tutorial too works for groups.

With all these solutions that we have given you, you will become a true pro of the code messages on whatsapp. As you have seen, it is a very simple and effective system if you want to have certain conversations away from prying eyes.


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