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How to start new Line of Text in Excel Cell

How to start new Line of Text in Excel Cell


This post will show you how to start a new line of text in Excel cell. A line of text in Excel is a text block that appears within a spreadsheet. This can include names, numbers, email addresses, etc.


Why start a new line of text in the Excel cell?

Starting a new line of text within an Excel cell enhances your spreadsheet’s clarity and visual appeal. However, there are several other reasons to do so. Let’s know some:

  • Enhances readability
  • Structures information more effectively
  • Avoids cell overflow
  • Compatibility with text functions or formulas

How do you start a Line of Text in Excel Cell?

Here’s how you can add a new line of text in an Excel cell on different devices:

  1. On Windows and Web
  2. On Mac
  3. On Android
  4. On iOS

Now, let’s see these in detail.

1] On Windows and Web

  • Double-click on the cell where you want to add the line break.
  • Go to where you want the line break and press Alt + Enter.
  • This will enter a new line of text in the Excel cell.

2] On Mac

  • Double-click on the cell where you want to add the line break.
  • Go to the location where you want the line break and press Control + Option + Return.
  • This will start a new line of text in the Excel cell.

3] On Android

new line android

  • Double-tap on the cell and navigate where you want to add the line break.
  • Tap the blue cursor and select New Line in the menu.

4] On iOS

line break iOS

There isn’t any way to start a new line of text in an Excel cell. However, you can add a line break. Here’s how:

  • Click the keyboard toggle to open the numeric keyboard.
  • Press and hold the return key, and you’ll see the line break key. Click the key to enter the line break.

Read: How to sum cells across multiple sheets in Excel

How do I move to the next line in the same cell in Excel?

To move to the next line while staying in the same cell, you’ll need to add a new line of text in the Excel cell. Press Alt + Enter on Windows devices; on Mac devices, press Ctrl + Option + Return.

How do I start a new row in an Excel cell?

To insert a new row in Excel, right-click on the whole row above which you want the new row. Here, select Insert Rows.

Read: How to count the frequency of a text in Excel.


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