Home Gaming The fan page “Translated is translated” opens Hogwarts Legacy’s Thai voice-over mod project and releases a short demo to try out.

The fan page “Translated is translated” opens Hogwarts Legacy’s Thai voice-over mod project and releases a short demo to try out.

The fan page “Translated is translated” opens Hogwarts Legacy’s Thai voice-over mod project and releases a short demo to try out.


Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:35:31 PM Indochina time

After the middle of the month February via fan page mud Thai language can be translated Come out and announce the project to go ahead. mod Thai language for famous game hogwarts legacy Along with revealing the game to be watched briefly in the form of a short video. 8 minutes and can go to see more details inthis article

After the project has been completed 1month in the middle of the month March 2023 via fan pagecan be translatedhas created his own website Along with updating the progress of the mod in Thai language like hogwarts legacy The details are as follows.

  • Thai language in the menu UI-UX progress has been made 40%
  • Thai language in the part of the story has progressed 30%

But recently, it seems that the fan page can be translatedWant to play big and put it full for yourself mod of the game hogwarts legacy in the most extreme way, because in addition to doing a complete Thai translation of the entire game can be translatedalso announced the project Thai dub mod ” in collaboration with fans Colorsky family 26 readyrelease mod It came out to try to play together. which can be played from From the beginning of the introduction to the selection of houses

Although the voiceover project will be a reunion of ” Apprentice voice actor ” and does not play as big as the Noob-Translator which join hands with many famous voice actors But overall, it can be considered that this young voice actor can create quite good work. Which must continue to follow each other that mod When will it be finished? We have to wait and see.

In addition, due to the number of characters within the game hogwarts legacy quite a lot of them As a result, the sounding team is not enough. As a result, the fan page Colorsky family 26 Announced to find a voice actor who wants to join the project. which can be contacted to request a sound test and ask for information in the post including private messages directly through the team

Finally, the game hogwarts legacy has launched the game to be played officially after releasing group players deluxe version have started playing earlier Although now the game is priced up to 1,590 baht, but if talking about the experience that the game will receive, it is definitely worth the money paid.


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