Home Tech There are at least 3 years left before Apple starts using the camera under the screen on the iPhone

There are at least 3 years left before Apple starts using the camera under the screen on the iPhone

There are at least 3 years left before Apple starts using the camera under the screen on the iPhone


Apple has registered a new patent for what appears to be a new sensor that will be placed under the screen.

There are at least 3 years left before Apple starts using the camera under the screen on the iPhone
Back and front of the iPhone.

Every time a move is made in the mobile industry, it seems that Apple is the one to make it. more daring and the others follow suit. A few months ago we wondered if Android would abandon the fingerprint reader after Apple said goodbye to Touch IDjust like manufacturers like Samsung they removed the charger and headphones shortly after Apple did.

Now it seems that It is Apple that is going to adopt something from Android. According to a leak that appeared in Gizchina, the Cupertino company has registered a patent in which they show sensor technology under the screen. This sensor could be used for biometric devices, such as a fingerprint scannersomething that is already present in many Android phones.

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Although this sensor looks like a fingerprint reader from the patent image, it can be used for other applications. The paper points to the use of a quantum film infrared sensor that could generate sensor data from the reception of an infrared light.

This data could then be processed to perform proximity sensor tasks, capture images of external objectsfacial recognition, detect the direction of a user’s gaze, track the location of an object, and detect physical gestures. I mean, a camera. It could therefore be an improved version of Face ID of what we are talking about.

There are at least 3 years left before Apple starts using the camera under the screen on the iPhone

Image of the patent of the sensor under the Apple screen. | Image: Patently Apple

Despite the potential of this technology, display technology expert and industry analyst Ross Young said on Twitter to place Face ID technology in a camera under the screen it won’t happen until 2025 or later, due to problems related to the sensor itself. Apple teams are already working on ways to overcome these issues.

Touch ID, for now, would continue to be relegated to the iPhone SE And without stepping on Apple’s main line of phones. Those from Cupertino, according to the source, are experimenting with a fingerprint reader under the screen that would be intended for Touch ID but, as we have already said, it will remain on the cheapest iPhones.


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