Home Tech They look like headphones but they are actually a crazy invention to clean the ears

They look like headphones but they are actually a crazy invention to clean the ears

They look like headphones but they are actually a crazy invention to clean the ears


This curious device promises to be the definitive solution to clean excess wax from the ears.

They look like headphones but they are actually a crazy invention to clean the ears
SafKan Otoset cleaning system. | Image: Thoroughbred

The curious gadget that we are going to talk about here looks like one of those Sony over-ear headphones that sound so good. In fact, looked closely they pass for any bluetooth headset with headband those that can be found on the market. However, its purpose, although it has to do with the auditory canals, it is not to transport audio through them.

A company called SafKan Health has developed an ear cleaning unit which, in reality, behaves like a kind of washing machine for the ears called OtoSet Ear Cleaning System. At least that’s what we can read on gizmodo. Not because it is necessary to clean our ear canals, but from time to time.

This is how the latest in ear cleaning works

The wax that is produced in the ears it is not bad in itself: Its purpose is to trap dust particles, dirt, small objects and even germs and bacteria to prevent them from entering the ear canal (also serving as a protective solution for your delicate inner skin). What is convenient is clean it from time to time to prevent excesses from forming.

Cotton swabs are not the best solution. Solutions and liquids do, but they can be cumbersome. With the OtoSet Ear Cleaning System it is intended to continue to use the system of cleaning fluids, but Designed to help reduce mess and easy to clean.

Each side of the gadget features two separate chambers for each side of the head. The upper chamber contains the cleaning fluid, which is inserted into the user’s ear through two disposable applicators. The liquid enters the ear canal and breaks up the wax, while the applicators suck up the residue and place it in the lower chamber.

This device itself is not difficult to clean or maintain, but it is not for all budgets. The invention costs more than $3,000, which certainly doesn’t make it a cheap accessory.


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