Home Tech This great 100% free website compiles dozens of useful tools of all kinds

This great 100% free website compiles dozens of useful tools of all kinds

This great 100% free website compiles dozens of useful tools of all kinds


It is one of the most useful web pages that you can find on the entire Internet.

This great 100% free website compiles dozens of useful tools of all kinds
IT Tools has a simple and easy to use interface

Today we are going to show you one of those websites that you will want to save in the favorites list of your browser. Is about IT toolsa free website and open source which collects about sixty tools of different kinds to use online, without ads and without having to pay a single penny.

IT Tools is a website created primarily for help people who work in the field of computingthrough tools that can be useful in your day to day. However, the wide variety of utilities it offers makes it ideal for any kind of personwhatever your job or your needs.

IT Tools: 60 free tools accessible through the browser

As soon as we open the web page, we will see a gallery with all available tools organized by categories, as well as a sidebar from which to access them more quickly. Also included is a search engine at the top that allows us to quickly find the tool we are looking for. Something very useful, especially if its creator intends to continue expanding the number of available utilities.

The website has an extremely simple design, and its tools maintain the same design language to offer an experience intuitive and easy to use. As I mentioned at the beginning, there about 60 different tools available, from categories such as cryptography, images and video (although it is not a photo editing network), software development, networking, mathematics, measurement, text, or web tools.

Although we can find a large number of tools aimed mainly at computer scientists, others can be very convenient for all types of audiences. For example, we find a customizable QR code generatora tool to know information about the device that is being used, a calculator with support for mathematical expressionsand secure key generatorstopwatch, temperature converter, phone number validator and much more.

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