Home Tech TikTok also wants to compete with Twitter and now allows you to make text posts

TikTok also wants to compete with Twitter and now allows you to make text posts

TikTok also wants to compete with Twitter and now allows you to make text posts


TikTok also wants to compete with Twitter and now allows you to make text posts

TikTok has revolutionized the world of social networks and has been able to create a new format that can only be replicated by your competition to compete with him. However, the Chinese application wants to reach even furtherand your new goal is stand up to Twitter with their new text posts.

The new TikTok texts

More than one will also relate this format of text posts on TikTok to the one that already exists on Instagram Storiesbut there is also a big difference, and that is that, in this case, these publications will not disappear after 24 hours, since they are available to use in the official feed.

Texts on Tiktok

This is the new text input system created by Tiktok

Besides, TikTok specifies in his blog Some of the most outstanding novelties of this publication system:

  • This new feature will be along with the previous photo and video options. There, we can customize our text publication with location, music, and other typical options such as enabling comments or duets.
  • We can decorate our text publication by adding stickers, labels, hashtags, changing the background colorand we can save our publication in drafts to edit it later.

The constant tightrope walk of Twitter

It seems that Elon Musk never tires of giving one of lime and the other of sandalthough in his case there are several of lime for one of sand. If we recently learned that Twitter works on the implementation of functional job offerslike on LinkedIn or Infojobs, the unexpected rebranding announced by the South African tycoon, who will change the legendary blue bird to an XIt has been like a splash in the community.

In fact, it seems to many that Musk takes decisions in a visceral, improvised way, and without studying the marketsbecause in less than a day many obstacles are being encountered in this direction, such as the multitude of patents that anticipated his most recent occurrence. Now, they will have to be careful that TikTok is not another obstacle in his endless marathon against the world.


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