Home Tech US Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk strategic drone completed an unusual mission in the Black Sea at a distance of 100 km from the Russian coast

US Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk strategic drone completed an unusual mission in the Black Sea at a distance of 100 km from the Russian coast

US Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk strategic drone completed an unusual mission in the Black Sea at a distance of 100 km from the Russian coast


US Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk strategic drone completed an unusual mission in the Black Sea at a distance of 100 km from the Russian coast

The RQ-4B Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle belonging to the US Air Force has completed an unusual mission in the Black Sea. A strategic reconnaissance drone flew 100 km from the Russian coast.

What is known

The RQ-4B Global Hawk is stationed at a NATO base on the island of Sicily. At the beginning of this week, he was active in the Black Sea. The Northrop Grumman drone flew near the Russian cities of Sochi and Novorossiysk.

This mission was quite unusual for a drone. Often, RQ-4B Global Hawk flights are limited to the central part of the Black Sea. Recently, the drone began to fly more often in the eastern part of the sea, approaching the territory of the Russian Federation.

At about the same time as the Global Hawk, the RC-135W Rivet Join reconnaissance aircraft was performing its mission in the Black Sea. It belongs to the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. The plane worked along the coast of the temporarily occupied Crimea.

The appearance of Rivet Join near the Crimean Peninsula is a common occurrence. But what the RQ-4B Global Hawk drone was doing in the eastern part of the Black Sea is still difficult to say. But in any case, there are many objects on the territory of the Russian Federation that may be of interest to the United States and NATO.

Source: The Drive


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