Home Gaming VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific Day 6 Recap XERXIA Failed to Lose the Final Round Ready to close the route to continue in the Playoffs round officially

VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific Day 6 Recap XERXIA Failed to Lose the Final Round Ready to close the route to continue in the Playoffs round officially

VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific Day 6 Recap XERXIA Failed to Lose the Final Round  Ready to close the route to continue in the Playoffs round officially


Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 5:35:58 a.m. Indochina time

start a decisive battle for the competition in the list VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific After the night before, the agency was famous as Blood Esports Has missed the defeat to the favorite team from Korea. D-Plus E-Sports Resulting in their first sin that made them taste their first defeat. You can read more details inthis article

which competes in the list VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific has traveled into Day 6 official which will compete in July 2 And there will be teams competing all together. 3 A couple consists of

  • One Team Esports vs. NAOS
  • Orangutan vs Bonker
  • BOOM Esports vs. XERXIA Esports

VALORANT-Challenger  -Ascension-2023-Pacific-Days-06-Schedule

For the competition in the first pair will meet between One Team Esports vs. NAOS but because group alpha At present, there are scores in the form of ” snake Therefore, winning this time for both teams affects the chances of winning tickets to the round. playoffs greatly


even though the way Esports one team In the past, their performance has been up and down a bit, but overall they are performing at a “fair” level and due to this instability. Therefore making the meeting with the affiliation famous from Philippines at navigate It is one of their most difficult works. In the end, with more intensity, both in terms of plan, ability to shoot Including picking up the settler at the bottom of the chest with a surprise checkpoint separate thus making this victory go to navigate go with score 2 – 0 (13:10 , 13:5)

As for the competition in the next couple which will be a competition in a pair of Orangutan vs Bonker If you look at the overall picture, you can see that ” crazy people ” Rather, there are more taxes, but by way of orangutan In the past, their performance was not unacceptably bad. Therefore making this battle quite a bit evenly matched


But when the competition can only start a few games, the way crazy people came out to teach boxing from Australia by throwing a punch in the face orangutan without holding back from the first map to the end of the second map, even though the way orangutan will try to respond But in the end, he could only offer his face to the girl who punched him until he had to subdue and resulted in the victory belonging to crazy people fast with score 2- 0 (13:8 , 13:6)

And then came the competition in the last couple of Day 7 It will be a competition in a pair of BOOM Esports vs. XERXIA Esports But in this battle, it’s not just a competition, just collecting points, because in this battle, both teams have tickets to the round. playoffs was placed as a bet As a result, both teams filled every round without a vest until the two teams had to decide on the final map. climb finally


Of course with a map climb Has been designed to appease the defensive side quite a lot. But if they don’t play well to defend, they will put pressure on them when attacking again, thus making the way Cercia Decide to play on the offensive side first. In order not to feel pressure at the end of the race Even in the attack Cercia will be able to collect points at par with 3 points, but at the end with a frenzied attack of Boom e-sports Including their accuracy released like they were suppressed for a long time, thus making Cercia unable to catch up and as a result this victory went to Boom e-sports go with score 2-1 (13:5 , 6:13 , 13:8) Ready to close the door to the round playoffs this year’s Cercia unfortunately go

considered to be the end of today’s competition successfully for the program VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific by the competition of Day 7 will start competing in July 4th and there will be all subordinates competing together 2 A couple consists of

  • Bonkers vs BLEED Esports
  • D-Plus Esports vs Scarz

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Finally, we have to wait and see which agency will be able to win the program. VALORANT Challengers Ascension 2023: Pacific Ready to go into the round playoffs successfully and which affiliation must helplessly pack their belongings back home We have to wait and follow each other.


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