Home SECURITY Ventia tries to recover its systems after a devastating cyberattack

Ventia tries to recover its systems after a devastating cyberattack

Ventia tries to recover its systems after a devastating cyberattack


Ventia tries to recover its systems after a devastating cyberattack

What will happen to water, gas and electricity in Australia and New Zealand now?

Australian company Ventia, which provides services for the management, maintenance and operation of critical infrastructure in various industries, was the victim of a cyber attack. About it reported representatives of the company themselves last Saturday.

Ventia operates in more than 400 sites in Australia and New Zealand, working with defense, electricity, gas, environmental and water organizations. The company employs over 35 thousand people.

In a statement Saturday, Ventia notified the public that it had shut down some of its key systems in an effort to prevent the attack from spreading. In addition, she brought in outside experts and law enforcement to investigate the incident.

“As we rebuild our networks, we will prioritize the safety and security of our employees, customers and partners,” the company said.

Ventia did not release details on how the attack affected its operations, but in an updated statement released on Sunday, the company informed that most of its usual operations have resumed, albeit with strict and constant monitoring of network activity. Remaining operations should return to normal in the coming days, Ventia said.

Although the company did not specify the nature of the incident, it can be assumed that ransomware that encrypts files was involved in the attack, because typical responses to such attacks include shutting down systems to prevent further infection.

The company also did not say whether any information was stolen during the attack, but promised to keep everyone informed, and anyone can personally contact company representatives and ask all their questions.

The latest high-profile ransomware attack against an Australian company became a cyber incident with a legal giant HWL Ebsworth, which was attacked by hackers from ALPHV (BlackCat). Representatives of the company decided not to make any deals with intruders and paid for it both with their data and confidential information of their customers and partners.


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