Home Tech Vodafone Ukraine withdraws from the UN Global Compact

Vodafone Ukraine withdraws from the UN Global Compact

Vodafone Ukraine withdraws from the UN Global Compact


Vodafone Ukraine leaves the UN Global Compact network

Vodafone Ukraine considers it right to withdraw from the UN Global Compact network as a sign of protest against inaction and double standards operating in the UN in relation to Ukraine and Ukrainians.

The UN’s calls for development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals include, first of all, basic safety issues: safety for life, environmental safety, energy safety, and health safety. All these basic principles are completely destroyed in Ukraine today, and millions of people are suffering because of it. And the organization that declares these high principles proved unable to implement them in the situation with Ukraine.

Unfortunately, during the war, we saw many examples of the short-sightedness of the UN in relation to the problems of Ukrainians. We are outraged by the inaction and reluctance to call a spade a spade at a time when Ukrainians have been resisting the aggression of Russia for 15 months, which is committing war, economic, environmental crimes and terrorizing the civilian population.

Vodafone Ukraine has always been and is a socially responsible business, it is recognized as the most transparent Ukrainian company. We share the principles declared in the Global Compact and are guided by them every day, working desperately to ensure the vital connection. However, we clearly understand that the development of the Global Compact platform does not seem possible until the basic principles of security are restored in Ukraine. And we do not consider it possible to remain among the initiatives of an organization that itself does not demonstrate proper responsibility and avoids using its levers of influence for the sake of sustainable development.

We will be ready to revise our decision if the situation changes. Hopefully, the structures that have to perform important global functions for the sake of sustainable development will soon become as effective as possible. Currently, we call on other Ukrainian companies that are members of the UN Global Compact to temporarily withdraw from the platform as a sign of protest against inaction regarding the situation in our country.


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