Home SECURITY Elon Musk is developing an alternative to ChatGPT

Elon Musk is developing an alternative to ChatGPT

Elon Musk is developing an alternative to ChatGPT


Elon Musk is developing an alternative to ChatGPT – TruthGPT, focusing on the search for truth

Musk offers a new transparent approach to artificial intelligence.

IN interview Fox News Elon Musk talked about the development of an alternative to ChatGPT called TruthGPT – an AI that focuses on the search for truth. Musk stressed the need for an alternative approach to creating AI to prevent humanity from self-destructing.

He announced his intention to launch TruthGPT – AI, striving as much as possible to know the truth and understand the nature of the Universe. According to Musk, such AI is unlikely to pose a threat to humanity, since humans are an interesting part of the universe.

Musk mentioned OpenAI’s profit focus, which he believes could make it difficult to develop ethical AI models, and presented TruthGPT as a more transparent option.

Earlier in February, Musk had already spoken out on Twitter about the need to create TruthGPT and pointed out the risks of large AI models. In March, he and other AI researchers signed an open letter urging companies to suspend experimentation with models that developers cannot “understand, predict, or reliably control.”

At the moment, it is not clear how advanced the development of TruthGPT is and whether this model exists.

It was recently revealed that Musk has founded a new AI company called X.AI. He recruited two well-known AI experts from Alphabet’s DeepMind Lab, Igor Babushkin and Manuel Kreuss.


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