Home Gaming PUBG under MS Chonburi has officially announced the termination of the PUBG PC team in 2023.

PUBG under MS Chonburi has officially announced the termination of the PUBG PC team in 2023.

PUBG under MS Chonburi has officially announced the termination of the PUBG PC team in 2023.


Friday, January 13, 2023, 7:32:07 a.m. Indochina time

Announcement followed by another agency for Chonburi Because a few hours ago, the agency came out to end the role of the old team. PC PUBG official After making the team for more than 2 year since 2021 until the year 2023 And even though it’s a pity But if it was a decision of the agency, it had to be accepted without help.

For the past works of Chonburi which if going back in the year 2021 It can be seen that they can do various works excellently. and often grabs the top of the table But after entering the year 2022 even though the way Chonburi There won’t be many player changes. But with the ability of various teams that began to increase, therefore in the year 2022 They had dropped a lot from the original.


and before the way Chonburi Will announce the termination of the role of the team PC PUBG Then they released a little signal because in the past they announced their release. 3 main players like July Skeet and JobJabto subordinates Vampire Sports One of the famous agencies from the industry PUBG Mobile Decided to enter the industry PC PUBG seriously

It is sad that after the start of the year 2023 only a few weeks There are two agencies announced to make teams for many different games, whether Magic Esports ( PUBG PC ), EVO TH ( LoL Wild Rift ) and ends with MS Chonburi (PUBG PC) which is a pity and very sad

In the end, we have to wait and follow each other to see how many more bad news about different agencies, because from what I know it seems that the competition game It will be modified. There will be no competition in the PUBG Thailand program. open again, and will focus on the competitive format league Instead, many agencies may decide not to continue this year. Which will be next, then have to wait and follow each other


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