Home SECURITY The Unciphered team defiantly hacked the Trezor T hardware crypto wallet

The Unciphered team defiantly hacked the Trezor T hardware crypto wallet

The Unciphered team defiantly hacked the Trezor T hardware crypto wallet


The Unciphered team defiantly hacked the Trezor T hardware crypto wallet

Specialists used a vulnerability that became known 3 years ago.

Unciphered, a company that specializes in restoring access to cryptocurrencies, announced that it managed to find a way to physically hack the popular Trezor T hardware crypto wallet from Trezor. About it writes CoinDesk.

According to Unciphered experts, they used “unrecoverable hardware vulnerability in the STM32 chip” which allowed them to reset the device. Unciphered demonstrated the hacking of the Trezor T wallet, which they received from the journalists of the publication, and extracted the seed phrase (password) and pin code.

Trezor couldn’t comment on the Unciphered hack as they don’t know the details. However, they noted that a similar vulnerability was publicized as a risk three years ago, and that exploiting it requires physically stealing the device and having “very sophisticated technical knowledge and advanced equipment.”

In addition, Trezor have stated that their wallets can be additionally password protected, which makes the vulnerability meaningless.

Unciphered declined to disclose the details of their hack so as not to endanger wallet users. Experts say that until new security measures are taken, such as replacing the STM32 chip with another one, they will not share information.

Unciphered also noted that Trezor is aware of the vulnerability in the chip, but the company has done nothing to fix it, and the report of the risk is only an attempt to shift the responsibility for protecting their device to the client.

That being said, Trezor insists that they have already taken important steps to address this issue by developing new robust elements for their devices.


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