Home Tech this is the battle to be the best mobile operating system in the world

this is the battle to be the best mobile operating system in the world

this is the battle to be the best mobile operating system in the world


This is how the three major operating systems of the smartphone market are found.

Android vs iOS vs HarmonyOS: this is the battle to be the best mobile operating system in the world
Android and iOS begin to have an increasingly strong competitor in HarmonyOS

The mobile phone market, since the smartphone revolution born with the first iPhone, has changed very little. in terms of domain of operating systems in the market. Both iOS and Android have had an almost total dominance of the market in this aspect, but since HarmonyOS was forced to be born after Google’s ban on Huaweiit has been advancing slowly but surely to be already the third most important system in the sector. And how is the scenario currently? Now we see.

Android dominates, iOS stays, and HarmonyOS grows

This information, available through Counterpoint market dataallows us to see how they are currently the three most important operating systems in the mobile phone market. In this way, in the graph that we will see below, we can see how Android dominates the global market with a mighty 78% of market share in the first quarter of 2023, while iOS remains at a solvent 20%, and HarmonyOS begins to show up with an upward 2%.

Graph of the market of Operating Systems in smartphones with Android, iOS and HarmonyOS

The latest data shows the dominance of Android and the growth of HarmonyOS

It is also worth mentioning a piece of information, and that is that the Android market covers the dozens of brands and thousands of models available, while iOS is only used by Apple. If we break down by brands, it would be Apple the most successful brand on the market. The same thing happens with HarmonyOS, an operating system only used by Huawei.

It is also worth noting that the proper functioning at a technical level of HarmonyOS is increasing the number of followers who dare to do without the services of Apple and Google. Having designed such a recent operating system has given them the advantage of introducing preferred software and architecture for mobile phones, and if at first they had been penalized by losing Android systems for Huawei mobiles, their proper functioning is bringing back the trust of users in the brand.

China, the key scenario of HarmonyOS

As we are mentioning, HarmonyOS is gaining more and more trust among usersAnd the first place where you can see that growth is in China. With some data at a general level not very distant from the world market, we can see how Android has a powerful 72% of the pie, Apple a firm 20%, and HarmonyOS 8% that indicates that it has not yet reached its ceiling.

China graph of the Android, iOS and HarmonyOS Smartphone Operating Systems market

We can appreciate how the HarmonyOS system of Huawei mobiles begins to emerge in China

The Chinese market is right now one of the key points for the three operating systems. As a global powerhouse, HarmonyOS’s popularity in China can quickly spread to other markets where Huawei is not banned, and erode the influence of iOS and Android in those other regions. Currently, perhaps it cannot even be called competition, but it is a threat against the commercial interests of the other two companies if it continues to grow and rises as a competitor of weight. Much attention to the Chinese market!

iOS dominates in the United States but sinks in India

It is also to be expected that Apple’s operating system had a dominant position in the United States. It usually intersperses positions with Android, but recent quarters and the good commercial performance of its latest models have meant that in the country with red and white bands, mobile devices with iOS have 52% of the market and Android 48%.

Chart of the United States Market for Smartphone Operating Systems with Android, iOS

iOS is strong in the United States and remains the dominant operating system

Last but not least, it is also worth mentioning the Indian market, which demonstrates a huge predilection for Android devices far above iOS. In the case of this nation, one of the current emerging economic powersAndroid has 94% of the market, while iOS must settle for 6% of the pie, as we can see in the graph below.

India Chart of Android, iOS Smartphone Operating Systems Market

The absolute dominance of Android in India is clearly seen in this data

Each market has its rarities and peculiaritiesand that means that each region has its preferences in terms of operating systems. Currently, the Chinese market is one of the most important to follow, especially to continue studying the evolution of HarmonyOS and see to what extent it can put in check the absolute dominance of Android and iOS.


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