Home Tech This is the company that makes the first Indian iPhones in history

This is the company that makes the first Indian iPhones in history

This is the company that makes the first Indian iPhones in history


Of course, it will be Tata who will manufacture the iPhone from India. And also, it is that the Wistron Corp. plant has been bought to do it, valued at more than 600 million dollars.

From cars to iPhones: this is the company that makes the first Indian iPhones in history
In the case of India, the chosen one could not be other than Tata Group.

Although Mobile phones are more expensive than everEverything seems to indicate that Apple will break all its records again later this summer with the iPhone 15that they are raised a step above in prices to everything we had known before. The reasons are various, but among them will surely be the disconnection with China and the search for new markets where to assemble the terminals, with India ranking in the pole of this technological race.

We do not say it but the facts affirm itand it is that as reported by media such as Bloomberg either computer worldfinally Tata Group will become the first Indian manufacturer of iPhonesafter the acquisition of Wistron Corp.’s assembly plant in the southern state of Karnataka.

It is no surprise that it is Tata, and it is that it is the largest business conglomerate in Indiawith 155 years of history and whose tentacles cover dozens of markets as disparate as salt or technological services, passing through automobiles and now giving his first steps in the production of electronic devices of consumption both affordable and more premium.

Tata Group already produced key components of the iPhone, but now wants to ensure full assembly of the device by acquiring Wistron’s Karnataka plant.

In fact, it’s that Tata already manufactured key components such as the iPhone chassis together with its metallic backbone, in the gigantic production plant located in Tamil Nadu, although now the indian group also wants to manufacture chips and assemble smartphones In its whole.

To this end, it appears that the leaders of the Mumbai-based company are finalizing an agreement to acquire the factory from another Apple supplier, Wistron Corp.that from Karnataka it had promised to triple its workforce and ship at least $1.8 billion worth of iPhones this fiscal yearuntil March 2024, in order to ensure State incentives.

It has transpired that this operation would be potentially valued at about $600 millionperhaps more, extending the negotiations for more than a year and with right now about 10,000 people employed already assembling the latest model of the iPhone 14.

They seem doomed to understand each other: Apple wants to diversify its production outside of China and Tata Group, from India, wants to become one of the giants of electronic production.

There have been no statements since Tataneither Apple nor much less Wistron, although according to sources from India it seems that Tata Group would commit to uphold the agreements signed by the latter company with the Cupertino giant.

The truth is that more and more countries want challenge China’s status as “the factory of the world”and with India being the largest emerging market of the moment at a global level it is true that this country, now the most populous on the planet, has all the ingredients to become a production giant in many sectors.

Also, Apple would get that definitive impulse to diversify its production beyond Chinaso this would definitely be an agreement that would satisfy all parties.

Looks like we’ll be seeing the ‘Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in India’!


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