Home SECURITY What IT product does not have a Russian counterpart? Mintsifra will present “IT-landscape”

What IT product does not have a Russian counterpart? Mintsifra will present “IT-landscape”

What IT product does not have a Russian counterpart?  Mintsifra will present “IT-landscape”


What IT product does not have a Russian counterpart? Mintsifra will present “IT-landscape”

The overview map will serve as the basis for the development of Russian analogues of foreign services for business.

The Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Communications (Mintsifry) has created an overview map representing domestic IT products and those that need to be replaced. The review, also known as the IT landscape, will be presented to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko in the coming months, according to a source in the Ministry of Digital Development. cited newspaper Vedomosti.

The review is expected to be finalized by September 2023 and will serve as a basis for developing solutions that need them.

As a source in the Ministry of Digital Development pointed out, the document is “the end result that does not have a specific time schedule.” The Office confirmed the existence of the document development process.

The representative of the Ministry of Digital Development emphasized that the IT landscape is needed to assess the needs of various sectors of the economy and form a list of projects that can qualify for various forms of support, such as grants, soft loans, and obtaining the status of systemically important projects. Compliance of the project with the “landscape” is a prerequisite for making a decision on its support, the representative of the department emphasized. He added that the document is “under refinement.”

Both Russian IT companies and large enterprises from various sectors of the economy took part in the creation of the review. Among them, according to the newspaper, Relex and Severstal, which are key customers.

According to a source in the Ministry of Digital Development, the document was created with the involvement of industrial competence centers (ICC) and competence centers for the development of Russian system-wide and applied software (CCR), which were created in 2022 at the direction of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Customers expressed their need to replace imported goods, the total number of which was 670, said a source in the department. These are not separate products, but operations that customers implemented using foreign solutions.

In response, IT companies offered a list of 2,180 domestic products that should ensure the implementation of these operations. However, only 196 solutions from this list match their Western counterparts by more than 70%, 1423 solutions match by 40–70%, 561 by less than 40%. 41 foreign solutions necessary for business have no Russian analogues. These are, for example, solutions for indexing and labeling audio and video streams or platforms for creating metaverses.

According to a source in the Ministry of Digital Development, the new “IT landscape” includes both the mentioned solutions and additional ones. The total number of solutions included in the new document is twice the list of solutions presented in the roadmaps, the source said.


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