Home WINDOWS HOW-TO TPM is missing or not displayed in BIOS

TPM is missing or not displayed in BIOS

TPM is missing or not displayed in BIOS


If TPM not available in BIOS, this article will help you solve the problem. There may be times when the TPM may be missing or not displayed in the BIOS for some reason. If this happens to you, follow this article to fix the problem.

Windows 11 requires TPM or Trusted Platform Module to install. Otherwise, an error message is displayed stating that Windows 11 is not running on this computer. Best of all, you can enable or disable TPM 2.0 from the BIOS. All Windows 11 compatible processors ship with this security chip, which must be manually enabled if not enabled by default. To enable this, you must access the BIOS.

The problem starts when you cannot find the TPM setting in the BIOS. You need to go through the BIOS enable process so that you can find the TPM status in Device Manager, or Security processor details For more information, see the Windows Security section.

TPM is missing or not displayed in BIOS

To fix missing or missing TPM in BIOS, follow these steps:

  1. Check processor compatibility
  2. Update BIOS
  3. TPM Chip Issues

To learn more about these steps, keep reading.

1]Check processor compatibility

This is the first thing you need to check before moving on to other solutions. Windows 11 requires you to have a modern processor installed on your computer. However, it is quite difficult to find support for the TPM chip if you have an older processor. If you have an Intel processor, make sure it is Atom x6200FE or later. On the other hand, if you have an AMD processor, make sure you have a 3015e or later. It would be better if you find something that fits your Intel processor with this list or AMD processor with this list on docs.microsoft.com

If you can find your processor name in the above list, then follow the rest of the solutions. However, if you cannot find the name of the installed processor in the list, you will need to select a new processor that supports Windows 11.

2]Update BIOS

If you have a Trusted Platform Module you should get a corresponding parameter named Reliable computing or something similar in bios. However, if you have not updated the BIOS firmware for a very long time, it may not appear in the BIOS. Therefore, it is advised to update the BIOS on your computer and check if you can find the TPM setting or not.

3]Problems with the TPM chip

Trusted Platform Module or TPM is a special chip installed on your motherboard. If there is any problem with this chip, you cannot find the corresponding setting in the BIOS. That is why it is advisable to seek the help of a professional to check the chip manually and help you in the future.

What if TPM is not found?

You can check the TPM activation status in Device Manager, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) management in the Computer Location pane, and in Windows Security. However, if you cannot find the TPM in these locations, then you need to enable it in the BIOS. However, if there is no TPM setting in your BIOS, then follow the above solutions.

Does my BIOS have a TPM?

The presence of a TPM setting in BIOS depends on the processor and motherboard you have installed on your computer. If your processor name is on the Windows 11 compatible processor list, you can find the TPM setting in the BIOS. However, if it doesn’t, you won’t be able to find the same thing in BIOS. In this case, you need to upgrade your processor / motherboard or install TPM chip from third party resources.

TPM is missing or not displayed in BIOS


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